Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here

Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here

Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here

Bernadette O'Connor's debut novel Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here is a timeless tale of love and loss, truth, growth and spirituality that speaks to anyone who has ever felt lost.

The central theme of the novel is 'How do we find there while staying here - especially when darkness shrouds our path?'

The book is about the story of Halia, a beautiful free-spirited soul, and her quest to find there, the elusive weird and wonderful of her childhood and of snowy mountain escapes.

As she runs from her pain, Halia creates a façade to find acceptance in a world where she feels lost, alone and misunderstood. She makes friends with Snow, who promises to take her home, only to slowly steal her soul. To the outside world Halia has it all, but she sees through the façade she has carefully constructed. Knowing it can never be enough, she sticks a needle in her arm, desperately seeking there, unable to find it here.

On her journey back, her father, who abandoned her as a child, teaches her to stop running and face her pain, and an enchanting wise woman, Tabitha enters her life and guides her through her darkness and the hidden stories within her soul.

Halia must voyage beyond her comfort to reclaim herself and find her way home. She discovers that there is a thin veil between joy and heartbreak, light and dark, here and there – will she lift the veil and embrace what lies beyond?

Bernadette O'Connor is a Kinesiology Practitioner and Advanced Theta Healer, who resides in Newcastle, on the East Coast of Australia, with her husband, three children and Miss Frankie the fourth-child-cat.

Internationally known for her empowering sessions, Bernadette embraces a methodology that acknowledges the unison of mind, body, emotions, vibration, spirit, and teaches others how to create harmony through intuitive guidance, overcoming fear, removing emotional blocks and tuning into their inner wisdom. In her book Let's Go Home: Finding There While Staying Here, Bernadette reveals her long-hidden gifts to mind/ body/ spirit/ energy/ past life incarnations and well-being.

Bernadette writes to create change, to inspire, to grow the spirit, and invites you into a literary world where you experience life from a new perspective; with a greater vision exploring life from an expansive viewpoint. The luminous threads from the first word to the last draw her readers into a transformative immersion within the pages. She has an innate knowing of how to work with the vibration of words, to reach the hearts and minds of her audience.

Words are a powerful connector for her, the golden threads of wisdom she weaves richly and profoundly through her writing connect her to a wide audience: she conveys her messages through a higher vibration that works magically on the reader.

Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here
Author: Bernadette O'Connor
RRP: $28.99

Interview with Bernadette O'Connor

Question: What inspired you to write Let's Go Home?

Bernadette O'Connor: At the beginning of 2016 I felt called to write the book I knew I was destined to write from the time I was eight-years-old. The problem was, I didn't know what this book was. As a Kinesiologist, having worked with clients for several years, it seemed logical that I would write a traditional self-help book based on case studies from within my practice. I could have done this, but writing in this way didn't excite me, it felt forced, and so I waited until the inspiration landed. One Saturday morning in April 2016 as I stepped out of bed, Halia hit me and clearly laid out the themes and story line in my consciousness. Let's Go Home 'downloaded' much like a file on a computer and I was left with no doubt that this was the story and the message I was to share with the world. I immediately began writing, excited by the opportunity to write fiction, as I know story is a powerful yet subtle healer that inspires and empowers people to create change in their lives.

Question: Who did you write this book for?

Bernadette O'Connor: I believe Halia's story is one that resonates with every woman. At one stage or another, we have all felt lost, unloved, alone and inadequate, which creates a longing for more and we seek it in ways that invariably creates more struggle, whether that be through alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling, sex, food. As Halia finds the courage to unravel her past, face her pain and grow from these experiences, I hope that all women may be inspired to do the same and find their way home to their true self, free from the pain of their past and reconnected to the light that lies within them.

Question: What message do you hope readers take from Let's Go Home?

Bernadette O'Connor: Home is that seemingly elusive place deep within ourselves, where we experience freedom, joy, peace and contentment. It is a state of being that is possible for everyone to access regardless of the pain of the past, the struggle of the present or the darkness that dims the future. When I say to my readers 'Let's Go Home,' I truly hope that as they open the first page and begin reading Halia's story, that they are inspired to take steps to create change in their own lives. Sometimes it is as simple as stating 'I'm Ready' and asking for help that begins that journey home and often that first step is the hardest. I hope my readers continue to be inspired to take that first step and create change in their life.

Question: What was the best part about creating the character of Halia?

Bernadette O'Connor: Halia wasn't created, she just was! When the book 'downloaded' itself into my consciousness, Halia landed with it and I have felt strongly connected to her since that moment. As strange as it sounds, I did not create Halia's story, she told me her story and I simply typed it onto my laptop while listening to music in the early hours of the morning. Throughout the writing process, Halia continued to surprise me with the depth of her character, her courage to explore the dark corners of her soul and the resilience she demonstrated in rising from her struggles into a woman I truly admire. In the end, Halia discovered the true meaning of life and what it feels like to be 'home', and I remember crying joyful tears as I wrote this chapter, as I felt enormous pride in her for reaching this wonderous place, given the challenges she had experienced throughout her life. I love Halia's strength, her sass, her stubbornness, her courage, her vulnerability and her willingness to do whatever it takes to find her way home. She is an inspirational woman!

Interview by Brooke Hunter

Let's Go Home, Finding There While Staying Here
Author: Bernadette O'Connor
RRP: $28.99


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