Jayne Denham Wanted Interview

Jayne Denham Wanted Interview

Multiple Golden Guitar nominee Jayne Denham today releases an album like no other titled WANTED. With the cancellation of her dates in both the USA - where she toured regularly for four years playing at major events including some of the biggest truck shows in the world - and here locally in 2020 due to COVID, Denham saw an opportunity to create something new.

Never one to waste time over trivial matters like only having the one song written, Denham called her producer, Nashville-based Brian White, and put the entire album idea to him. Straight away Brian knew that this was a project he wanted to be part of and immediately jumped on the phone to friend and frequent collaborator - Grammy nominated songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Brian Bunn - asking him to come on board. Together they came up with an album like nothing they had ever done previously. "It was so much fun to make a record that had no rules or had to meet current trends," Brian said. "We were just creating music for art's sake and to do it during the Covid lockdown via zoom was a bonus and then Jayne' and her publisher Will Osland (Checked Label Services / Kobalt Music Publishing) came up with some wonderful songs that just fitted perfectly." With Covid limiting international travel, Denham laid down all her vocals at The Robertson Brothers' Blue Mountains studio before emailing them to Nashville where all the band tracks were recorded.

Industry critics are comparing WANTED to a country rock opera.  As you listen to Denham's latest offering there is every chance you will be transported to another point in time. From start to finish the album takes you on a musical journey like no other. It's like going back to the movie theatre watching an old-fashioned wild west flick, and as you listen each extra sound effect and instrument, it will make you feel like you are actually there. 

Denham says it was after writing the title track WANTED with a country rock and western theme in mind in March last year with Troy Kemp and Matt Scullion, the concept of doing an entire record in this direction came about.  Denham has four #1 Australian Country singles to her credit including 2018's Golden Guitar nominated 'Hung Up on You' that reached one million streams in less than six months, and four albums with the standout being the hugely successful Shake This Town.

The two singles lifted from the album thus far 'Better Make It a Double' and 'Better Settle Up' have both charted in The Music Network's Country Hot 50 airplay charts, with 'Better Settle Up' peaking at #14.

Denham says she is so excited about this record and is "hoping that as people listen to it, they won't just hear the sounds rolling from track to track but will visualise the story behind each song. I hope you love it as much as I do."

You can catch Jayne performing at one of her upcoming shows below:

Friday 17th September - Mezz Bar - Wallsend Diggers Club - Newcastle, NSW
Saturday 18th September - Springwood Country Club - Springwood, NSW
Saturday 16th October – Country by The River Festival – Murray Bridge, SA
Friday 12th – Sunday 14th October – Groundwater Country Music Festival – Broadbeach, QLD
Thursday 18th November – Hallam Hotel – Hallam, VIC
Friday 19th November – Gateway Hotel – Geelong, VIC
Saturday 20th October – Tumbarumba Hotel – Tumbarumba, NSW
Saturday 15th January 2022 – Moonshiners – Tamworth, NSW

*Previously announced August & album launch show dates to be rescheduled due to COVID lockdown restrictions


Interview with Jayne Denham

Question: How would you describe your music?

Jayne Denham: Country Rock, but the new Album we changed it up a bit and my producer Brian White calls it 'Country Rock with a big serve of Spaghetti Western on the side'.

Question: What inspired Wanted?

Jayne Denham: I have known for a few years my next Album was going to be called WANTED but it wasn't till we wrote that title track that it inspired the direction to create a Country rock album influenced by the sounds and themes of old Western movies.

Question: Can you tell us about your brand-new album?

Jayne Denham: This Album is created to be a musical experience. It's a journey I didn't want to just create an album with 10 songs but an album where you sit back and feel like you're in an old western movie. One person in the industry said 'WANTED is like a movie for your ears" you can't shuffle this record or you will miss it.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Jayne Denham: In a world where reality for so many is tough right now, I hope this album creates a space where you can grab your favorite drink, sit in a comfy chair and escape for a while as you listen to WANTED.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Jayne Denham: I enjoy both, as I have been recording in studios since I was 14 but my preference is by far live performance. I am an entertainer through and through so although the studio is a creative space while I am there, I am already planning the live show as I create the music.

Question: What can we expect from your upcoming shows?

Jayne Denham: Because the new album is filled with sound effects and created to be an experience for the listener, the show will be all that and more. Props video (where possible) and although I will add some of my big hit songs, it will mostly be all about taking you into the WANTED album journey. I had a costume made by designers in the city last year that you will see in all my promo images and artwork to match the theme of the music so it is going to be fun to get on stage and bring the music to life with the show.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Jayne Denham: I mostly just write for my album directions. I get a theme and I am off. I am not the sort of writer that writes every day. I have to have a reason to write but always have ideas swimming around in my head, that I only attempt to write if it fits the big picture.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Jayne Denham: I am a massive fan of Tanya Tucker and her latest Grammy Award winning album 'While I am livin' just totally inspires and relaxes me.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Jayne Denham: I grew up in a family of singers and entertainers so it was a no brainer… it was either music or sport and I picked music.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Jayne Denham: I also love listening to Rock Music and I adore Jon Bon Jovi's voice so although I know it is very unlikely to ever happen I think our voices would work well together on a country Rock song.

Question: How does it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?

Jayne Denham: I have been in the industry now for 15 years and it still gives you a buzz when you hear people playing your music. To know they are enjoying what we created is the cherry on the cake.

Question: What moment in your career stands out the most?

Jayne Denham: Getting invited to film my music video with the ICE ROAD TRUCKERS in Alaska for my song 'Black coffee and white lines' was something I never thought would ever happen to me and it still feels like it was just a dream. Alaska is a magic place and we had the best fun ever.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Jayne Denham: I wish it is was filled with more gigs like it use to be back in the day when Aussie bands could tour and do shows every day of the week but those days are gone unless your touring the USA.

So most of my days are spent in front of a computer working on what single or album I need to promote right now but mostly planning and working on the next single video or project. In this business you have to be 6 to 12 months ahead to keep the train moving.

Question: What's next, for you?

Jayne Denham: I was meant to be on my Album launch tour and it was going to be huge with a stack of big festivals too but with Covid that's all stopped. So I think I will use this time to take a week off social media and my computer shortly and then get back on the horse to promote the next single and fingers crossed the delayed tour will kick off again in 2022.

Question: Can you share your socials? (links please)

Jayne Denham: Website 

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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