Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

2025-02-09, Sunday
You might be feeling very communicative today, Libra. Concentration, logical thinking, and a heightened ability to put ideas into words enhance your own communicative abilities. Therefore, your gift of getting directly to the point in any matter is likely to clear previously clogged channels, impress others, and increase your self-confidence.
The period just ahead of you promises a lot of luck and success. The initiatives you will take in your career or personal life will come off without a hitch. You should think about trying some kind of new activity on a professional level. Take advantage of all the good luck in the air. Don't be afraid to burn the candle at both ends now and live life to the fullest.
It's time to face up to certain things about yourself that you may have denied for some time, Libra. You have only yourself to answer to, so relax. You aren't the first one to have to deal with old issues that probably aren't as shameful as you think. You don't have to be proud of them. You can't keep hiding them from yourself. This could cause more problems than dealing with them once and for all.
You may not have been taking very good care of yourself lately, Libra. The planetary aspects are encouraging you to be a little more disciplined in your lifestyle. Don't overwork, don't drink too much coffee, and try to eat lighter meals. Anything you do for yourself today could have very quick, healthy effects. Think about this as you go for a run at lunchtime or go to bed early tonight.
All the planets are very fortunately aligned for you, and the coming weeks should be great, Libra. Minor irritations today could make you wonder, though. You might worry that this good fortune won't last. Don't work yourself into a panic. This all continues through the next six months. However, you may need to focus sufficient effort if you'd like to make it last for a long time.
Computers and other equipment could go haywire today, limiting your abilities to work at maximum efficiency. Even though you're usually calm and laid back, Libra, today the ogre in you may be tempted to emerge. Don't let it. It will only cause tension between you and those around you. Stay calm and focused, call in a technician, and enjoy the break from your routine.
Emotions, impressions, and memories could come up from your subconscious today, Libra. This may preoccupy you and keep you from other matters. This is a positive development. Pleasant memories bring joy. Disturbing ones offer a release from past trauma. Write down your thoughts and then distract yourself by doing something you love. The significance of this process should come later.
Conversations with friends take on a more serious note, Libra. Spiritual matters and beliefs could come up, as could the more pressing mundane details of life. Whatever is discussed today could bring to the surface new ideas for making whatever you're working on move smoothly and quickly to success. Metaphysical ideas seem clearer and more down to Earth. Treat your friends to a nice meal.

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