Born between: June 21st - July 22nd
Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.
You tend to prefer intellectual and philosophical rather than practical pursuits, Cancer, but today you may feel especially practical and more inclined to want to get as many routine tasks out of the way as you can. This could involve chores around the house that you've neglected for a few days. Other members of your household could pitch in. Go to it. You will be glad you did.
Life just seems to be smiling on you at the moment, Cancer. Some sort of mystical force has entered your life and is enriching your contact and with other people. It allows you to make a success of anything you undertake. Luck is really on your side, and you're on cloud nine. Have you made friends with the angels up there yet?
Watch for any errors in orientation or strategic mistakes, Cancer. You may be having some communication problems with almost everyone today. You feel like whatever you say falls on deaf ears and that no one really wants to listen to you. Don't get frustrated. Relax and see it with humor. Just be an observer for one day and see what happens.
Regardless of your gender, why not show a bit more virility in your relationships and actions? If you're dominated by your emotions, the day could be extremely trying for you. Protect yourself from your anxieties by talking things over with a friend or someone else close to you. This will help take some of the pressure off - that is, if that person knows how to be discreet.
An unexpected opportunity could temporarily throw your life into disorder, Cancer, but you will see from the start that this is a definite stroke of good luck that you shouldn't let pass. It could involve money, a chance to move to your dream home, or relationships in some way. Whatever it is, you're definitely going to be happy about it.
Family members might not be in the best of moods today, Cancer. Frustration with machines or friends could have tempers on edge, so try to avoid the temptation to get into arguments. The problems will be resolved and the bad moods will pass. You don't want any residual bad feelings between you and them. This is a good day to get out and spend the day in the bookstore by yourself.
A friend might drop by and want you to keep them company while they runs errands, Cancer. This might be a good idea, not only for the diversion from routine but also because something might happen in the course of these short journeys that points you in a new and very positive direction. Your mind could suddenly be flooded with ideas. Make the most of it.
Do you have some paperwork regarding money that you've been putting off, Cancer? If so, this is a good day to get it out of the way once and for all. Your mind is especially sharp and your concentration strong, so you're less likely to be distracted or make mistakes. Take care of it first thing in the morning and then you can forget about it.