Mt Buller's Eagle Pack Sled Dog Quest

Mt Buller's Eagle Pack Sled Dog Quest

Mt Buller's Eagle Pack Sled Dog Quest


Mt Buller welcomed the return of the Eagle Pack Sled Dog Quest for a second year on Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 August.

Held across two action-packed days, teams from around the country including representatives from Victoria, New South Wales, Western and South Australia, Queensland, as well as teams from New Zealand and Italy, participated in the Quest on two set courses.

Starting from the Mt Buller Village Square, two, three, four and six dog teams raced under lights on the mountain's popular ski run, Bourke St. With clear skies and a starry night, spectators lined the course to catch the thrilling race action.

Conditions were perfect for the second day's racing on Wednesday, with hard packed snow and light cloud providing a spectacular backdrop. Teams took on the longer Corn Hill Road course, with stunning views of the Mt Buller, Mt Stirling and surrounding valleys.

Mt Buller teams ran well, placing in three of the four divisions. Official results as follows:
Six dog team Brett Hadden
Four dog team Marcus Israng
Three dog team Courtney Persson
Two dog team Jade Kelly

The event saw friendly competition and thrilling racing for both participants and spectators alike, across a successful couple of days.


Images: Mt Buller_Andrew Railton

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