Lisa Remar Fell Into Interview

Lisa Remar Fell Into Interview

New York City native, half-japanese, Lisa Remar has always loved music. Her passion for song-writing, producing and singing lives in her songs.

Characterized by her soulful vocals and her unique sonic sensibility - Lisa's music takes the listener to a familiar place they've never been before.

Moments of playfulness transition into epic scores and vice versa. Boom Bap inspired rhythms appear unexpectedly and coast over her silky voice.

Lisa's psychedelic soundscape threads through most of her tracks and revels in tinges of melancholia.

Similar to her music, Lisa's style also draws influence from various backgrounds, and is representative of her biracial heritage.

There's something exciting about the music Lisa is making. It almost feels like listening to Fiona Apple or Lana Del Rey for the first time. A shock to the system - a refined rawness.

About Fell Into:
"I wanted this song to be a little more empowering through the production, an ode to Boom Bap. It was written when I started exploring my sexuality," says Lisa. "I consider myself bi. I was going to meet up with this girl I had been talking to through Instagram, but dating was intimidating for me. I'd been hurt and didn't know how to carry myself. I should've just been myself. I was so afraid, but it was exhilarating. Still, it was a very awkward date. She rejected me because of her ex or something and I felt pretty stupid. She ghosted me, so I wrote about deceptive people who only care about themselves."

Interview with Lisa Remar

Question: How would you describe your music?

Lisa Remar: When people ask me this question in person and I'm feeling lazy I usually just say it's sad girl music and leave it up to them to decide but I realized the other day that I actually felt really happy while writing these songs, they just happen to be about experiences that evoke melancholia I suppose. So I actually don't know but I've been told it's nice to listen to whilst driving alone with no traffic.

Question: Can you tell us about Fell Into?

Lisa Remar: Yes! I'm so surprised that Fell Into seems to be the song that people are most excited about on the record. Griffin Emerson and I wrote the instrumental, a few lyrics and the entire top-line in a couple of hours and I carried it around for a while and waited for a stroke of inspiration. Lo and behold I received, personally, the most unnecessarily dramatic romantic rejection shortly after my session with Griffin. The overwhelming sense of pettiness I felt served as source material for finishing the lyrics and completing the song.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Lisa Remar: Before I started making this record and truly embracing my individuality - my songs sounded so generic, mainly because it was easier to fit in than to stand out. I'm really proud of the work my friends who I love and respect whole heartedly. With this being said, if anything I want my listeners to embrace their individuality because if I have something to say we all have a unique story to tell that's waiting to be shared with the world.

Question: How has your sexuality influenced your music?

Lisa Remar: My sexuality and my sexual preference is constantly changing. Embracing my fluidity has been a liberating experience. I've become more open minded, not just sexually but within all of life's fronts. This sense of freedom comes hand in hand with self assurance and empowerment - things that drive my curiosity and create opportunities for new encounters and adventures. The fewer restrictions and parameters I choose to box myself in the more space my creativity has to explore and the more I explore the more I discover about myself.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Lisa Remar: I love both equally. Although there are more things that can go wrong during a live performance, the thrill of it all makes everything worth it.

Question: Which is your favourite song to perform live and why?

Lisa Remar: My favorite song to perform live is actually not mine. Pillowtalk by Zayn. I just love to sing it and I suppose I feel less pressure to make it sound perfect because it's not my song and it's just pure fun!

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

Lisa Remar: Barack Obama.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Lisa Remar: Selena, the movie starring Jennifer Lopez

Question: What was your first performance?

Lisa Remar: 5th grade talent show I played the piano and sang If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Lisa Remar: Finding my voice and discovering new ideas, forever evolving and getting to share my music with others.

Question: What moment in your career stands out the most?

Lisa Remar: Q-Tip said my song HALFWAY TO NOWHERE reminded him of Prince and Joni Mitchell.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Lisa Remar: Everyday is different but it starts and ends with walking my doggo, Gia.

Question: Can you share your socials? (links please)

Lisa Remar: Instagram  

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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