Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.
Feel free to go shopping online for yourself, Scorpio. While you're at it, you might as well pick out some things for others, too. You're apt to be in tune with the pleasant spirit of the people around you. On the other hand, if they're being especially negative or cranky, don't hesitate to just go elsewhere. Unfortunately, that may be easier said than done.
Consider taking a more conservative approach to your actions today, Scorpio, as well as to the way you dress. Others may be rather put off by something that comes across as too flashy. Fashion is apt to be a significant concern for you now, which is fine. Don't underestimate the power of personal appearance.
Your fantasies could come true now, especially when it comes to relationships, Scorpio. This could be the moment you've always dreamed about, so get ready. The attractive, romantic person in the corner has been keeping an eye on you all night. Your blood is pumping faster than ever. Remind yourself that all dreams can come true on a day such as today.
A co-worker might be away, and this could increase the amount of work that you have to do, causing strain and upset, especially if you aren't familiar with the work. Don't try to do it all at once. A distant family member you haven't heard from for a while could phone out of the blue, and you could spend a happy half hour catching up.
The amazing thing about your nature is that, like a good politician, you have just the right tone of voice and catch phrase for every situation. You can put on your smile and charm and talk your way out of just about any pickle you get into. Embrace this incredible gift, but make sure that your overall goals are noble as opposed to self-serving or vengeful.
There may be a great tension between you and someone older today, Scorpio. Perhaps there's someone who's adopting a sort of "parent knows best" personality that's starting to annoy you. Take a breather. Realize that this person isn't being critical or judgmental but just giving you advice. You should open your eyes and understand that this advice could be very useful.
One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there's a great deal of momentum building in your mind now. Once the dam breaks, you may soon have a giant flood on your hands. Be careful about releasing all this energy at once, even though you may not seem to have a choice.