The series follows the story of two lifelong best friends, Nathan Rutherford (Ed Helms) and Reagan Wells (Jana Schmieding), who find themselves at a crossroads – quite literally – when their sleepy town gets an unexpected wakeup call. With one of the largest Indigenous writer's rooms on television, featuring five Native writers staffed on the series, Rutherford Falls represents a breakthrough moment in Native representation in comedy television both in front of and behind the camera.
The series is co-created and executive produced by Sierra Teller Ornelas (Navajo), Bobby Wilson (Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota), Tai Leclaire (Kanien'kehá:ka [Mohawk Nation]/Mi'kmaq), Jana Schmieding (Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux), and Tazbah Chavez (Bishop Paiute/Diné/San Carlos Apache).