Janine Allis Boost Juice Interview

Janine Allis Boost Juice Interview

Interview with Boost Juice founder, Janine Allis

Question: Why do you think juice has been perceived as unhealthy, lately?

Janine Allis: When you consider all the options when you're out and about, it only makes sense that a freshly made juice or a blended fruit of veg smoothies is much better for you then the alternatives out there. There are diets for everything these days and they don't work, we all know this. It is about eating as close to nature as possible and an approach that works is the LOW HI, which is a low human intervention way of living. If you simply eat as close to nature most of the time and exercise, then you will be happier and healthier.

I think the reason for the bad wrap, is for headline grabbing, on sugar, and of course there is natural sugar in juices, freshly squeezed juice is also full of nutrients that we need. There are some really strong opinions out there about the health benefits of juices and smoothies. Some of the discussion and comparisons have led to misinformation on the topic, in particular, around sugars and kilojoules potentially leading to confusion for consumers.

We work with a nutritionist to educate people on the importance of consuming kilojoules which are nutritionally valuable such as fruits and vegetables rather than 'empty kilojoules' (foods high in energy with no nutritional value). There are also many different types of sugars, refined sugar is found in a lot of unhealthy foods and is usually a contributor to foods with 'empty kilojoules' whereas fruit contains sugars that are found naturally in conjunction with other essential nutrients.

Question: Why is juice a healthy alternative?

Janine Allis: Juices are a great alternative in helping you get natural and essential vitamins and minerals into your body in a form that is convenient and easy. Adding whole fruit and blending it up also means you are retaining more vitamins and fibre, keeping you fuller for longer. It is also a great way to ensure you reach your daily intake (2 fruit, 5 vegetables) and also naturally sweetens your veggie-packed juice. We have just launched a new range called the Black Label range which is simply fruit and veggies blended with coconut water, they taste great and are an awesome way to get those vital nutrients in our diet.

Question: Can you talk us through why fruit is important for our bodies?

Janine Allis: Different fruits contain different vitamins, minerals as well as fibre - all of which are important to keep our minds and bodies healthy and happy.

The fibre found in fruit can also play a large role in the bodies' digestive system which helps the body to be fully functioning at all times!

Question: What nutrients are included in a typical Boost Juice?

Janine Allis: Each Boost Juice is unique, and of course, different ingredients have different nutrients. We work closely with our nutritionist to ensure nutrients such as the following are found in a range of our menu options:

Protein: The Boost Juice protein range (e.g. Mango Mirage and Protein Supreme) uses high quality whey protein to support muscle growth and repair after exercise. The higher protein drinks will also help to keep you full for longer
Vitamins: for example, the Green Tea Mango Mantra contains fruits and a booster that contain Vitamin A, C and zinc. Vitamin A, C and zinc may contribute to immune function
Fibre: for example, many of Boost Juice's juices and smoothies contain whole fruits and vegetables blended to retain the fibre, making you feel fuller for longer, and retain more vitamins to boost your intake
Antioxidants: for example, Red Royale contains fruits that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to play an important part in our daily health –including helping us to maintain a healthy heart!
Minerals: for example, the freshly squeezed Two and Five juice includes a Vita Booster which contains at least 10% of your RDI* of minerals Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Iron and Iodide – which have specific roles to keep your body healthy rather than being only about growth/development

Question: How is the sugar found in fruit and fruit juice beneficial for our bodies?

Janine Allis: Just think of it this way, whole fruits contain naturally occurring sugars that are also found in conjunction with other nutrients and fibre. So rather than 'free' sugars, which health guidelines recommend to reduce our intake of, fruit provides a complete nutrient package. Removing fruit from your diet if you are worried about your sugar intake would mean you are forgoing those important nutrients.

Question: How has Boost Juice continued to keep up with the food trends?

Janine Allis: It's not always about food trends, as a brand it's important that we listen to our customers and ask them what they want to see at Boost. Over the past two years we have introduced two new categories because that's what our customers wanted they are called the Green Range and the Black Premium range. The product team work with our nutritionist to continuously develop our menu to reflect the changing trends amongst our customers. As you may see on the boards in our stores, Boost Juice is all aboard the kale, coconut water and spinach trends! The key to these is that they provide nutrition but also taste amazing in a smoothie.

Question: Which is your favourite Boost Juice?

Janine Allis: My favourite Boost Juice at the moment is from our new Black Label range. It's the Pure Eden and its seriously a great product! It has a variety of ingredients (9 in total) and uses whole fruit and veg blended with coconut water. It's my go-to and with under 200 calories it's such an easy way to help you reach your daily fruit and veg intake.

Question: Can you tell us about the Black Label Boost Juice range?

Janine Allis: From the very start Boost has been about listening to our customers and continuously looking for ways to make health easier, to do this we offer a range of menu options. The Black Label range is part of this continuous improvement and was a new menu category rolled out in 2015. Each smoothie carries upwards of 9 ingredients which includes whole fruit and veg blended with coconut water, ensuring they are packed with more essential nutrients.

See list below:
Mango Mirage
Mango mirage uses whole blended fruit with coconut water and coconut milk for a tropical nutrient-rich smoothie. Using whole fruit keeps the sugar content lower, and with 10g protein and over 6g fibre, Mango Mirage will help to keep you full for longer. Mango mirage contains fresh ginger, which has been shown to provide a range of health benefits.

Pure Eden
My favorite and if you are looking for a tasty way to eat your vegetables, you can't go past Pure Eden with its blended kale, cucumber, spinach and mint. Pure Eden provides an excellent source of fibre and the lowest kilojoule smoothie in the black label range.

Red Royale
Red Royale is packed with antioxidant rich purple and red whole fruits and vegetables such as pomegranate, berries and, beetroot. One of Boost Juice's highest fibre and most nutritious drinks, with the added benefits and taste of basil.

Protein Supreme
Protein supreme is the ultimate high protein smoothie with a 30g dose of protein per serve. It's not just all about bulking up though, Protein Supreme also provides fibre from the banana, muesli and dates, plus chia and cinnamon for added nutrition.

Question: If we are watching our weight which Boost Juice range is best?

Janine Allis: It's about offering choices to suit an array of customers to suit their dietary needs. We have 15 options (450ml-medium size) that are under 200 calories and are a great option for those who are watching the waistline.

The Ginger Tonic is Boost Juices's lowest kilojoule smoothie. It also provides the taste and health benefits of ginger plus real fruit and vegetables blended to retain the fibre and vitamin content. This is one of my favourites on the Boost Juice menu.

Question: What's next, for Boost Juice?

Janine Allis: What's not next for Boost! Our ears are close to the ground and we are looking into a number of different ways to help make healthy choices when out and about. This includes looking at our digital platforms such as our app and how to make it easier for customers find what they are looking for.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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