Pisces's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

2025-02-08, Saturday
Luck is finally on your side, Pisces. And you deserve it, because you really worked hard to get these results in your life. In astrology, as in life, you can't succeed just by sheer luck. Success is often the result of a lot of energy you expend or something you may have changed on the inside. So continue to give off the positive energy that's responsible for your success.
2024-02-08, Thursday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2023-02-08, Wednesday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2022-02-08, Tuesday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2021-02-08, Monday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2020-02-08, Saturday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2019-02-08, Friday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2018-02-08, Thursday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2017-02-08, Wednesday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2016-02-08, Monday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2015-02-08, Sunday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2014-02-08, Saturday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2012-02-08, Wednesday: Emotional Encounters
The Moon in Virgo your seventh house of partners and close associates is making eyes at giant Jupiter, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Venus entering Aries also brings financial luck, associated with a bit of extravagance in weeks ahead. Ideal colors are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
2011-02-08, Tuesday: Work, Then Play
Many Pisceans will accomplish a great deal on this industrious day. If you remain focused, you should be able to complete most tasks and projects by this evening. You'll be glad you took care of business early on, because tonight you'll be ready to loosen up and shoot the breeze! Auspicious colours are golden honey and antique white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
2010-02-08, Monday: Composure
Your public reputation and family status may be of concern to you again today. You may have to make a public appearance or speak in front of a group now; take deep cleansing breaths to help you maintain your composure. All eyes are on you, so make sure you are doing your job to the best of your ability. The stress and pressure will diminish by this evening. Auspicious colours are burgundy and caramel. Lucky numbers are 40 and 44.
2008-02-08, Friday: Relationship Restraint
There's a set of brakes on your partner today. He or she will seem unreceptive to your advances. You may be deeply hurt by the apparent emotional coldness. What's behind this? Positive colours are amber and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 14 and 8.
2006-02-08, Wednesday: Straight Talk
Communication is of the essence today, but actions speak louder than words. Whatever it is that you want or are trying to do, make it clear with action. Don't beat about the bush. Show them what you're about. If you need to kick off a new scheme or activity, clear the decks then get down and do it. Beneficial colours are coral pink and dark cherry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
2005-02-08, Tuesday: New Moon
Today's New Moon will have a big impact on your life during the next couple of weeks. Rather than hoping to bury your head in the sand when confronted with problems, you'll be much more confident about facing up to what's wrong and doing something constructive about it. This will give you an increased sense of power, and remind you that you're stronger than you think. Opportunistic colours are crimson and taupe. Lucky numbers are 32 and 14.
2004-02-08, Sunday: Emotional Encounters
Lady Moon conjoins with giant Jupiter in Virgo and your seventh house of partners and close associates, intensifying the emotional atmosphere. Vivid communications or big events may affect professional matters. Dealings with authority will cause tension or strong reactions. Let the emotions run their course then try to sort things out. Ideal colours are indigo and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 18 and 38.

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